Results for : Anne Caillon

    Le Dirlo

    Le Dirlo [HD] (2003)

    Le Dirlo [HD] (2003)

    François dirige une école primaire et fait la classe aux CM2. Un jour, il surprend la jeune Lucie en train de voler la cagnotte de l'école. L'élève de CE2 donne déjà beaucoup de fil à retordre à sa maîtresse : elle refuse d'étudier et perturbe régulièrement les cours. Plutôt que de sévir, François décide de la prendre en charge.

    6.0 /10

    UV [HD] (2007)

    UV [HD] (2007)

    During the absence of Philipp, in his house appears the stranger, who calls himself Boris. He says that he was the school comrade of Philipp and it arrived to visit old friend. Boris charms all households and remains to await Philipp. Only one Andre- Pierre distrustful relates to the stranger.

    6.7 /10
    Kingdom of Felony
    Kingdom of Felony [HD] (2008)

    Diane of Meridor, aged 23 years, lives a happy country life with her father. For the first time, Diana has her coming out ball, organized by the count of Monsoreau, who, in spite of being much older than her, wants to make her his wife, having a possessive and jealous love for the young woman. The duke of Anjou takes Diana in the ball, and tries to abuse of her exercising his prerogatives of being the brother of the king. Monsoreau will take advantage of this fact in his favor, and kidnaps de lady. He explains her father that Duke of Anjou, a known seducer, has kidnapped her. In order to safe her honor, he offers to marry her. Her father consents to it, with his heart broken by his sorrow. Diana of Meridor is forced to marry the damnable count of Monsoreau. Since then, she will know the Court and will live closely the various plots to betray the king, and discovers all around her the awful taste of deceit...

    4.3 /10
    Fatal Island
    Fatal Island [HD] (2003)

    An attractive young woman who is dedicated to seduce lonely men in business then flees police steal when recognized by one of his victims. Hiding in a pleasure boat, set sail with a small group of tourists heading to an island paradise. Shortly after landing, the guide found murdered ...

    6.0 /10
    Mortes de préférence
    Mortes de préférence [HD] (2004)

    Carole Picard vient de s'installer à Marseille avec ses deux enfants, Margot et Jennifer. Elle a rejoint son mari, Serge, arrivé six mois plus tôt pour prendre un nouveau poste. Une famille ordinaire, heureuse et sans histoire. Pourtant, le jour même de son emménagement, Carole découvre que Serge la trompe. Effondrée, la jeune femme quitte la maison sous une pluie battante. Alors qu'elle traverse la route sans regarder, un véhicule la renverse.

    0 /10
    Notre tout petit petit mariage
    Notre tout petit petit mariage [HD] (2023)

    Max and Lou have made a promise to each other. For their wedding it will be only them and their witnesses. But that... That was without counting on the HUGE surprise party that awaits them! They wanted to be 4, they find themselves 300 and everything is going to get out of control very quickly... They were dreaming small, small... They will have big, VERY VERY big!

    4.188 /10
    La malédiction de Provins
    La malédiction de Provins [HD] (2019)

    Renan Thomas, stage director and actor is stabbed when he is playing in The Legend of Knights, a medieval spectacle in Provins.Karin Demarle and her son are witnesses of this intent of murder committed by a disguised person. By chance the help comes soon and the life of Renan is safe. Patrick Robin and his ex-wife Karine Demarle will be in charge of this case of criminal investigation.

    5.1 /10
    Tomorrow is Ours
    Tomorrow is Ours [HD] (2017)

    Following a violent explosion involving two boats in the south of France, a mother attempts to figure out what happened to her son and how the body of her long estranged sister ended up on the beach.

    6.2 /10
    L'Etrangère [HD] (2007)

    Céline Fraser débarque sur une petite île du sud de la France. La jeune femme se présente aussitôt à l'antenne locale d'un quotidien régional pour lequel elle doit travailler. Mais le directeur, qui l'a personnellement engagée, est absent et personne ne semble informé de son arrivée. Solitaire, Céline loue une maison et s'installe dans sa nouvelle vie. Mais elle est sujette à des crises d'angoisse inexpliquées, qui compliquent ses relations avec ses collègues, Pierre, Mélanie et Simone.

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