Let There Be Light! [HD] (1998)
1998–God comes to Earth in order to make a film.
God comes to Earth in order to make a film.
A scientist finds the secret that predispose to the formation of the ideal couple. With this new alchemy, he achieves a pioneering experience: the creation of a perfect androgynous.
After the death of her father, the model Alix Castelac discovers that she must share the will, and the family property, with a half-sister hidden by the name of Noémie Boileau, a truck driver.
An ogre breaks his teeth the day before Saint-Festin, the ogres’ great celebration day. A magician botches his trick of sawing a woman in half, and loses his assistant’s legs. An overequipped hiker gets stuck in the elevator for several days. An old man falls in love with a runaway pair of legs. A mother asks her neighbour to look after her children on the eve of Saint-Festin… In one building, the lives of ten next-door neighbours, or the neighbours of neighbours, intertwine as they grapple with the dramas, joys, surprises and dangers of everyday life.
Mexico, 1955. A beautiful and popular movie star, Miroslava Sternova is depressed tonight. Sad memories fill her mind: her childhood in the pre-war Prague, one failed marriage, several attempts to be taken as a serious actress and the betrayal of the man she loved. As she prepares to commit suicide her entire life reveals itself on the screen, showing us the portrait of a lonely woman.
Actresses' hairstyle in movies always carries a strong aesthetic statement associated with erotic, social, and historical meanings. In a bold and unexpected way, the film revisits this ultimate symbol of femininity in international cinema.
A short film that shows Boundless, Surreal objects that are juxtaposed with our present World. Cars, Motorways, noise of our modern society; A giant city in the distance - all that shrouds this lonely and forgotten island of Dreams. Filmed at the Emeryville Mudflats near San Francisco.
It is the final decade of the 18th century in New Spain. We are in Mexico City, inhabited by local adventurers, native inhabitants and Europeans of every kind. In these surroundings, our characters, Jerónimo Marani, court choreographer, Giovanni, his mestizo son, and Victoria, the daughter of the most prominent family in the city, who is in love with Giovanni, live a life of love and aversion, court intrigue and popular grievances, Viceregal dogmas and dreams of freedom. Mexico´s war of independence is only a few years in the future.
Théodore, un parisien étrange et réservé découvre l’existence d’une chanson aux pouvoirs surnaturels. Un vieux standard jazz des années 20 qui fait tomber amoureux instantanément deux personnes l’écoutant au même moment. Son sang ne fait qu’un tour. Il doit trouver ce morceau et l’utiliser pour charmer Amandine, qu’il croit être l’amour de sa vie. Son enquête le mène à New York, où il rencontre une communauté de jeunes musiciens jazz.
A girl loves a rich and much older man and is willing to do everything he wants to show her love, but he is playing a sick game with her. As part of this game he sends her to a Chinese brothel. A poor young boy sees her and falls in love with her. To get the money needed to sleep with her, he joins "the revolution". Additionally the movie shows the fate of some of the other prostitutes.
A biopic of famous French writer Françoise Sagan, best known for her groundbreaking first book, Bonjour Tristesse.
A unique evening to celebrate love, diversity and pride in being who you are, with a happy, joyful and inclusive line-up. On stage, LGBTQIA+ comedians, but not only, visual acts, voguing and drag, in the company of some of the stars of this universe.
The last three days in the life of Elizabeth of Austria before her assassination
Edgar Lamarck - an accountant and auditor is coming to the the shipyard on Cote d'Azur in order to check the statements. After completing his mission, he decides to relax and spend the night with the green-eyed blonde with a curvy shape who he met on a porn site. Coming to Rita, he discovers weedy brunette with a pistol in her hand, standing over a fresh corpse. It's not a girl Edgar was looking for but now it's too late to retreat...
A heterosexual man pretends to be gay in order to keep his career in the world of art, which causes many misunderstandings with his wife, and mother.
Un SDF pour qui la fin est préférable à la faim, une vendeuse de bijoux... qui n'est en réalité qu'une croqueuse de diamants, un faux chauffeur de taxi mais véritable escroc, un impresario aussi séduisant que machiavélique, un agent immobilier véreux, un réalisateur à la recherche d'un sujet, un restaurant clandestin qu'on ne trouve dans aucun guide, un Christ crucifié devant le Sacré Coeur, des politiciens mélomanes et échangistes... bref tout un inventaire à la Prévert. Un couple de chanteurs (Shaa et Massimo) qui commentent en chansons ce microcosme humain. Ces deux chanteurs vont même devenir peu à peu les personnages principaux de cette aventure, et à eux seul symboliser quelques unes des joies et des difficultés à vivre dans la ville lumière...
An English historian travels to Morocco to work on a study of the painter Delacroix. He hears of a rare series of engravings and embarks on a search for them that takes him through the mysterious streets of the ancient medina. He becomes obsessed with the figure of a beautiful blond woman dressed in white that he sees there. but it appears that she may have died years before.
A picture of humankind in Paris: singers, shows, social gatherings, businessmen, nightclub barmen, bums, shoppers.
Un homme par sa force amoureuse fait revenir Ă la vie sa femme morte un an plus tĂ´t.
In this spy spoof and thriller, director Guy Hamilton seeks to renew the success he had with the James Bond thriller Goldfinger. The story (based on a novel by James Hadley Chase) concerns the efforts of the genial and deceptively tentative Lepski (Michael Brandon), an insurance company detective, to track down a valuable medieval Russian icon, which was stolen by Bradley (David Carradine), a master thief.
Two musicians are unknowingly drawn into a supernatural scheme.
What was your first desire? What did you long for most? Arielle Dombasle put these questions to a wide circle of famous people.
A philosophy teacher restless with the need to do something with his life meets a young woman suspected of driving an artist to his death. He finds the very simple Cecilia irritating but develops a sexual rapport with her. Obsessed with the need to own and tormented by her inability to respond to him, he becomes increasingly violent in a quest he can't name - a quest that slowly begins to undermine his certainties.
Malina, une jeune immigrée iranienne, rend visite à Jean, dans son bel appartement du centre-ville. Elle veut savoir pourquoi son petit ami Denis, qui fait des travaux chez Jean, s'attarde après ses heures, jusqu'à prendre sa douche devant Paula, la femme de Jean. D'étape en étape, Jean et Paula vont apprendre à connaître Denis et Malina, glissant de la prostitution à l’amitié, de désirs inavoués à une affection plus sincère, de l’amour enfin à la famille, famille d’un genre nouveau, désir d’enfant compris. Dépassant épreuves et tabous, ce quatuor pose en grande liberté, charnelle et intellectuelle, les bases concrètes d’un nouvel idéal amoureux.
In the MĂ©doc, a young woman is found drowned. An accident, her influential family of winegrowers maintains. Or rather murder, as the American inspector Morrison suspects. If so, why? What secrets this family keeps?
A young couple marry in France in the 1940s and the film follows the arc of their marriage over the next decade. As France recovers from the trauma of the war, the wife finds herself increasingly caught up in acquiring material possessions while the husband prefers a more traditional lifestyle.
After closing his agency Alibi.com and promising Flo that he would never lie to her again, Greg's new life became quiet, too quiet... Not for long! When he decides to propose to Flo, Greg is up against the wall and has to introduce his family. But with his crooked father and his ex-charm actress mother, this could ruin his future union. He has no choice but to reopen his agency with his former accomplices for an ultimate Alibi and to find more presentable fake parents.
Soon after checking into his usual suite at a luxury hotel in West Berlin, Simon answers a phone call not meant for him. His curiosity piqued, he investigates and finds a dead man in another room.
Pierre, a middle-aged tourist guide, is the victim of a sudden failure : he does not recognize anything about him any longer. He goes back home and in his apartment he finds a mysterious young man who tells him he is here to avenge a young woman who has taken her own life. What share of responsibility does Pierre hold in this situation?
This idiosyncratic view of Tokyo begins with a live mannequin in a store window and French actress Arielle Dombasle chatting with Marker as they wander around Tokyo. After Dombasle departs, the tape continues with footage from the Tokyo subway and an indoor market. Marker punctuates the tape throughout with playful visual and sound edits.