Results for : Juliet Lemonnier

    Grand HĂ´tel (FR)
    Grand HĂ´tel (FR) [HD] (2020)

    Twenty-five-year-old Anthony Costa is hired as a waiter at the Grand Hotel, a historic palace on the French Riviera, to try to understand what happened to his sister — a maid who mysteriously disappeared a few months ago.

    6.1 /10
    J'ai peur d'oublier
    J'ai peur d'oublier [HD] (2011)

    Fabienne, une belle femme de 45 ans, mère de famille et chef d’entreprise, découvre avec bouleversement qu’elle est atteinte d’un Alzheimer précoce et galopant. En quittant sa maison, un matin, oubliant d’où elle vient et où elle va, Fabienne fait la rencontre d’un homme – un marginal, avec lequel elle prend la route pour un road movie de 48h et une nuit. En parallèle, sa famille, en proie à une vive inquiétude, part à la recherche d’un adulte vulnérable porté disparu.

    0 /10
    Stars 80

    Stars 80 [HD] (2012)

    Stars 80 [HD] (2012)

    Die-hard fans of the 1980s, Vincent and Antoine run a company that supplies doubles of faded stars throughout the whole of France. What starts out as a promising business venture ends up as a calamity when Vincent and Antoine have over forty engagements booked but no one to attend them. They then have a brainwave. Why not get in touch with the real stars of the 1980s and persuade them to make a comeback? Why make do with an imitation when you can have the real McCoy?

    5.8 /10
    Please, Please Me!
    Please, Please Me! [HD] (2009)

    Ariane is convinced that her boyfriend, Jean-Jacques, is having fantasies about another woman, Élisabeth. In an attempt to save their relationship, Ariane encourages Jean-Jacques to pursue Élisabeth, believing that this is the best way to free him from his own desires. Jean-Jacques presents himself at Élisabeth's house, not realising that she is the daughter of the French President.

    6.0 /10