Scrap [HD] (2022)
2022–​​After getting laid off, young single-mom Beth finds herself living in her car and struggles to hide her homelessness from her estranged brother Ben.
​​After getting laid off, young single-mom Beth finds herself living in her car and struggles to hide her homelessness from her estranged brother Ben.
De nos jours, dans une bourgade du Maine appelée Storybrooke, les contes de fées existent encore. C'est ce que va découvrir Emma, une jeune femme au passé trouble, embarquée dans un merveilleux et tragique voyage par le fils qu'elle a abandonné 10 ans plus tôt. Elle croisera sur son chemin la méchante Reine, qui n'est autre que l'impitoyable Maire de la ville, Blanche Neige, devenue la douce Soeur Mary Margaret Blanchard, Rumplestiltskin, l'effrayant expert en magie noire ou encore Archie, le sympathique Jiminy Cricket local. Avec son arrivée, c'est l'espoir de toute une communauté amnésique qui renaît...
Cliff Truckee refuses a privileged start in life at a top college while other young men are enlisting. On the bus out of Chicago he meets a girl on her way to join the Marines, falls in love and decides to do the same. Paris Island is physically tough, but it is troubles that are brought from home that endanger some recruits success, in an extreme case even a life. Team bonding is changing Cliff, but so can a broken heart.
A bartender wants rid of an obnoxious drunk but not until the drunk has left a decent tip. So the bartender tells the story of two mobster families, the Minetti's who work out of an Italian restaurant in the East San Fernando Valley, and the Mulroney's who work out of an Irish pub in the West San Fernando Valley. Mob war breaks out when one of the Minetti "boys" stiffs Big Paddy's daughter on her tip. We soon see why these hoods are called very mean men
An emotionally gripping look at a man's personal battle to end a self-destructive path of compulsive gambling.
A DNA experiment on a rare breed of spider is taking place on a NASA space shuttle, when a freak meteor shower engulfs the shuttle, causing everything to go horribly wrong. One survivor is found on the ship and watched over in a secret location deep in the California desert. The problem continues, as the survivor isn't alone, as another deadly spiders climbs out of him and goes on a rampage around the ship. Curious reporter Marci Eyre must now survive, escape and warn everyone before the spider reaches outside the desert.
A dramatic coming-of-age story that explores the lives of four young people struggling with emotional conflicts, family issues, personal identities, religious beliefs and the overwhelming power of love and friendship.
Nellie, née Bouchard, is divorced by wealthy Jack Givens because after a miscarriage even in vitro fails to overcome her infertility. She finds herself destitute as her own account were plundered by someone who stole her maiden identity, Eleanor Kendall. Bank officer lover Dave helps her trace the impostor to Montréal and prevent if being spent on a Corsica home. She starts an affair with British doctor Christopher Dolan, who is in town for a conference, and bumps into Eleanor, a local French tutor and single mother. Instead of informing the police, she gets acquainted with and comes to like 'Eleanor'. Finally the truth catches up, but more complex and perilous then anyone anticipated.